Wednesday, September 3, 2008


I have always wished that I could sing. I think I am the only sister who somehow didn't get the Oney singing gene. So honestly I am not all that moved by singing. It seems that my entire life my mom and sisters took every opportunity to burst into song, pretty much any occasion called for a tune whether waking, falling asleep, riding in the car, cleaning, you name it, it was a good time for singing. I think it is my lack of talent that has kept me from ever totally enjoying the constant singing. I say all of that not because I never liked the "school days" tune or the nightly lullaby's but because I am having a hard time relating in any way to this weeks topic. I guess I wonder to myself as I write this... will I one day sing my children to sleep despite my inability?


Patty said...

You have a beautiful voice - a voice I will admit, I didn't really "hear" until you were grown up and I began to notice it when we would sing in church! Very pretty tone and you stay completely on pitch (sorry Papa).

What I thought you would write about is sleeping! You love naps! Sleeping in, etc.

Well, I thought your blog entry was great. They don't have to be long. There will be weeks when you simply won't have time to write much.

Love to all. Mom

Rebecca Charlene said...

nice. especially since i didn't read this before i wrote mine... very astute observations about the rest of us.

i also thought i had no singing ability--it's hard with a super-singer sister--but that's just relative. both you and I are alright,i think.

Patty said...

I have read your blog again and I think that "yes" you will sing your little ones to is a soft time of the day and one that you will cherish.

And I was thinking about you and singing, and the "singing" part may not be your favorite - but man, music is a big part of you. Anybody that gets in your truck and hears the country blasting will know that!