Saturday, May 23, 2009

I'm glad she's ferocious

You know that feeling?
The feeling when your soul starts to stretch toward the light of God in the way the leaves of the green plants literally move with sunlight?
The feeling that there's a breeze ever so gently encouraging the steps your tired feet take toward God, be they ever so small?
The feeling which leaves you sorrowful at your separation from real relationship with Jesus yet gives you slight hope for each effort made to mend it?
That's a feeling of a prayer prayed for you.

Thanks for being ferocious, Ma. I need you to be just that. So that I can live into and beyond that feeling.


Patty said...

I don't know how to respond to such a thing. There are tears... have such a prayer prayed over me

I AM fierce in my love for my girls. I AM unwavering in my love for Mark. I AM submerged in the love of the Father.

I love you, Bec. Come home. I miss you.

Katherine Michael said...

Wow...time for me to post.