Sunday, November 2, 2008

Sorry, I'm ridiculously slow. But I promise I will be better. :)

Autumn is my favorite season of all time. It is beautiful everywhere you look. Some people say everything is in the process of dying but to me everything comes alive. The chilly air makes everything seem crisp and fresh. I want to linger outside as long as possible, taken in all the colors and crunching, crinkling, and swishing sounds. Even my breathe seems to want to linger longer than usually, leaving behind a trail of fog. Animals are active. Squirrels hurry in anticipation of the cold season to come. Dogs leap through piles of leaves, while dads shake their heads and rack them back together again. The perfect attire is appropriate for this weather. Jeans, sweaters/sweat shirts/long sleeves, boots/clogs, and curly hair. (Curls always look better in cold weather.) This is also the start of a new school year. To most kids this would suck but for me it means change. New teachers. New classmates. New subject matter. Sure after awhile all that becomes monotonous, but for those few blissful months, school is continually exciting. And with the new school year comes football! Standing beside friends pretending to watch your team battle it out with opposing school with a hot beverage in hand is always a high light of my week. Along with the leaves come pumpkins, and Halloween! Costumes do not need embellishing, because their magnificence is obvious (alternate identity for the night! *fist pump*)
All in all autumn is splendid. The sounds, the sights, feelings, and activities are all high on my favorites list. I'm sure if I could smell, the smells of autumn would be lovely. 


Patty said...

I hate it that you can't smell....

Nice little essay. See, that wasn't so bad.

She sat outside in the cold for hours yesterday reading the 1st Harry Potter book. This morning I woke to find her already up, in footie pj's with coffee - reading book #2. She is my girl.

Rebecca Charlene said...

emily has footie pjs??? i want some.

i'm really glad you fist-pumped*.