My life’s work has been the raising of you girls. There may be something else coming, I’m not certain. But generally I have found it a satisfying and enjoyable lifework. As you have grown up it has become even more full of pleasure and joy because of the hours I have to myself. I was always one to enjoy my own company. And yet, I get lonely and look forward to the end of each day and Friday evenings when I’ll have my family around me. But for me to have hours and hours alone—in solitude, was a great balm to my soul. I spent much of that time in everyday activities: cleaning, laundry, cooking, etc. but many hours were spent with God in prayer and Bible study. Never did I take that time for granted.
The time I spend in prayer for each of you is significant in a real way to your lives. When I pray for you—it’s like I’m with you—making a difference in your life. There is a special understanding and affection cultivated in prayer that comes by no other means of expression. A blessing is extended that changes things and brings protection and wisdom and goodness into your life. The Spirit mysteriously honors such requests with power and action.
I have great regard for the grownup people you girls have become. I could not love you more. I have watched every moment of your lives when you were still at home and follow still as much as I can now with facebook, texting, emails and the occasional phone call. The courage and passion I held to through the years deciding to stay at home and raise my own children—really raise them—looks awkward and provincial to people now. I stand up tall and declare: It was not a mistake. And God has honored the choice and we have suffered very little materially for it. We have held things loosely and learned not to miss the vacations we didn’t get to take and the new cars we didn’t drive. I would do it all again. I am ferocious about this.
Glad I randomly stopped by the blog today mom. I really appreciate the fact that you were around for us all the time when we were growing up...and still are. Love you.
I sent a message to facebook to you all that I posted. Should be in your inbox. I love you. I'm glad you are glad I was around...
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